I cringed with fear when I saw this heading on a page I pulled from Will's backpack. It was one of those 'come to Jesus' moments where my brief life as a mother flashed in front of my eyes and I pondered what sort of terrible scars I had imparted upon this poor child in his ten years on this earth. Oh dear Lord, what did he write?!? Well, here it is...
1. My mom is a very kind person.
2. My mom works at the hospital.
3. My mom is a very good cook.
4. My mom worked at A&W before her new job.
5. My mom own's a Jeep.
6. My mom plays Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies with me.**
7. My mom takes me to school when Jack is sick.
8. My mom likes her job.
9. My mom likes to play Jak and Daxter.
10. My mom also likes to play Sly Cooper.
**{in case you're wondering, we turn the voices off} =)
What a hoot!!
He's a good kid. They all are. All three of our kids are similar, yet very unique in their own way. They've all got their challenges and strengths, but all three of them are consistently loving and tenderhearted, which makes this mama very happy and proud. I love my little family, our homestead, our lives. It's such a great blessing to be their mother.
Happy Mother's Day!!
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