Nov 3, 2011

A Day Late & A Dollar Short...

Good Grief. Time sure does fly - both when you're having fun and when you're not!! We've been having both, but I think more fun than not. It was a mad dash last weekend to get Halloween costumes done, but got 'em done and they were a success! Thanks to my mother-in-law, I didn't have to make June's costume - definitely a time-saver! :)

Here they are in all their glory:

L-R: Jack/Gnome, June/Mouse sans ears, Will/Bill the Exterminator
June was not impressed with her ears and refused to wear them. She is not fond of anyone messing with her hair. Every time we try to wash her hair, an epic battle breaks out between us and a very strong-willed 2-year-old.

This is probably my favorite picture from the whole day:

He looks like an awful lot like his great-grandpa and namesake, Yukon Jack. Grandpa Jack would be quite proud, I think!

I have been working on several things in the meantime: craft show stuff, more craft show stuff, more craft show stuff after that... oh yeah - throw in some work, three on-and-off sick (and always starving) kids, a husband I rarely see, a house that never seems to be clean, and a pile of laundry that never gets any smaller. *sigh* I know I am definitely not the only one feeling this way... :)

Got to go into my favorite little quilt store on my lunch break the other day. I need to hit the lotto soon so I can go spend some serious cash. I seriously drool every time I'm in there. I could spend so much money in a very short amount of time... I did find some fabrics I think I'll be saving up for to make Christmas gifts with. And the books/magazines -  my kryptonite!!

Alright, going to get started on a tutorial I'm putting together for a quick little cork board I made last night for my new office! Cost me nothing, and I made do with the supplies I had on hand. Should have it up tomorrow night at the latest.. Here's a sneak peek:

So glad tomorrow is Friday!! Another week survived!!! :)

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