Apr 5, 2012

Miscellaneous Jibberish.

Today marks the start of my extended weekend, as I took today and tomorrow off of work so I could spend some time with the boys while they're on spring break... I also suppose I should get some much-needed stuff done around the house. Today the hubs and I cleaned out both vehicles, got the brakes fixed in one, oil changed in the other, made a drop off at Goodwill, and managed to catch the majority of the Tiger's opening game! He's off to work for the night, so now Phase II begins. I'm hoping to get some serious cleaning done in the house {dishes, laundry, vacuuming, blah, blah, blah} so I can spend some time sewing!

I wanted to share my thrifted kitchen curtains. They don't really match the color of my kitchen at the moment, but I'm planning to repaint, so it'll be short-lived...

I found both of these lovelies at a local antique store and got them both for under $5. I didn't know what I was going to do with them at the time, I just knew I needed them. For something.

My kitchen is really long and narrow, and while there is a fair amount of natural light, it still seems rather dim at times. This window is above my kitchen sink and needed some love. I didn't want to cover it up too much or use anything heavy that would block the light, so this works perfectly!

To hang them, I took one tie from each apron and tied them in a bow {above}. Then, I hammered a small nail in the window trim and hitched the other ties to it in a rather sketchy fashion. One of these days I'll figure something slightly more attractive/secure, but this works for now {suggestions?}.


Last Sunday, the kids and I decided we needed something yummy for breakfast. There were a couple of stray cans of crescent rolls in the fridge, so they came out and Will slathered them with butter, cinnamon, and brown sugar {there are like a zillion recipes for this on the internet, but I was a rebel and winged it without one}, roll them up, and bake 'em.

Workin' hard...
While they were baking, we whipped up some powdered sugar glaze. I usually make mine with milk, powdered sugar, vanilla, and a smidg of butter. Will wanted to try and make chocolate glaze, so we started adding cocoa powder until we came up with something we liked. Instead of spreading it on the finished product, it went into bowls for dipping. They were so good, I didn't get a pic of them after they were done baking because they disappeared in record time... So, here is the before:

Mmmmmm.... Brown sugar.....

And on that note, time to fix dinner and get started on my evening 'to do' list. =)


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