Mar 27, 2012

Pinterest Picks

Pinterest has become my latest addiction. The amount of time I spend 'pinning' somedays is rather embarrassing. I have pinned so many things that I want to sew, craft, knit, cook, build, grow, etc., that I will be busy for quite some time.

Tonight I thought I'd share some of my favorite pins -

1. I LOVE this shirt Jeni from In Color Order made using a Simplicity pattern - I started cutting mine out tonight (wish I had the same fabric, though!!)!

Simplicity 2147 by jenib320
Photo/In Color Order

2. Carol from Pure Sugar tells how to make Sour Patch Grapes - can't wait to try this for my kids who love anything/everything sour!

glitter grapes
Photo/Pure Sugar

3. Lindsay at Delighted Momma wrote up a nice tutorial on tie-dying a shirt using turmeric.

Photo/Delighted Momma

4. Ashley at Lil Blue Boo shares her tutorial for this sweet little skirt. Can't wait to whip some up for Junie!

Pinned Image
Photo/Lil Blue Boo

5. Last, but not least, this super yummy looking Brownie Batter Dip from Megan at Crumbs and Chaos.

Photo/Crumbs and Chaos

You can check out the rest of my Pinterest faves here.

Well, laundry, dishes, and the remaining pieces to be cut from my pattern await me. Have a great night!

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